5 Common Steps to Get You Through a Social Event

Navigating around the dance for can be tricky, especially for beginner dancers. There are so many things to think about when we dance that we might forget some of our dance steps. Here are five ballroom dance moves that every beginner should learn and have in their “utility dance belt”:

  1. Box Step: The box step is a fundamental move in ballroom dance that involves a series of steps in a square pattern. It is relatively easy to learn and can be used in a variety of dances, including the waltz, foxtrot, and samba.

  2. Under Arm Turn: The Under Arm Turn is a popular move in Ballroom dancing that involves the follower turning under the leaders arm while moving forward. It is often used in the cha-cha and rumba and can add a fun and exciting element to your routine.

3. Cross Body Lead: The cross body lead is a move that involves the leader and follower switching sides while dancing. It is commonly used in salsa and adds a dynamic and fluid element to the dance.

4. Promenade: The promenade is a beautiful and elegant move in ballroom dance that involves the couple walking together while facing forward. It is often used in the waltz and adds a romantic and graceful element to the dance.

5. Grapevine - The grapevine is a fun and easy move that is used in many different ballroom dances. It involves stepping to the side with your foot, then crossing your other foot behind you, and then stepping your side again.

By learning these five dance moves, beginners can start to develop their skills and become more confident on the dance floor. With practice and dedication, you can continue to improve and explore the beauty and artistry of ballroom dance. To learn more moves and expand your dance repertoire then book your first complimentary lesson below.


Why you should learn Samba!


The Components of Dancing